Plan miasta Gavinton

Gavinton - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Musings from the Merse

Ignore his outstretched pillow case and you will get the same refrain with the emphasis on the no and forget the question mark. He probably made his pile last year and is bvacationing/b in foreign parts. Possibly Japan (or Dunbar). ? 2:20 AM ( 0) comments b.../b Incidentally, Mr Inglis might find it ironic that the chairperson of our local community council is an English woman who works tirelessly on behalf of all of us in the communities of bGavinton/b and Fogo. b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

Musings from the Merse

Ignore his outstretched pillow case and you will get the same refrain with the emphasis on the no and forget the question mark. He probably made his pile last year and is bvacationing/b in foreign parts. Possibly Japan (or Dunbar). ? 2:20 AM ( 0) comments b.../b Incidentally, Mr Inglis might find it ironic that the chairperson of our local community council is an English woman who works tirelessly on behalf of all of us in the communities of bGavinton/b and Fogo. b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

Musings from the Merse

In today's paper there is a very strong rebuttal by a fellow from bGavinton/b under the headline 'Offensive' letter does great disservice to the community' The writer, a recent 'migrant' he describes himself, a Scot, finds the anti-English b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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